Rooted Wings
I came from you
I have grown from you
I am nurtured by you
You are the very foundation that molded me into who I am
Whenever I bloomed, I looked back,
If it wasn’t’ for you
My petals would not smell as fresh
My colors would not seem as bright
But like every other flower emanating from your roots…
The time has come for me to fall, however, fall
Without you catching me
The time has come for me to grow, however, grow
Without your composition
The time has come for me to Bloom, however bloom
Without your consent
And I will be impelled to rise,
However, impelled
Without your approval
And you will curse me, but you will also thank me
Because the path I wander on, is the road home.
Where home is the place within.
The place where You will Always remain vested.
"My Roots"
Author: Roshni Jagroep