I Am
I introduced myself using the question “Who am I,” which I ended with the answer “I Am.”
I probably should expect after reading; this could cause a few frowns. And as predicted, after sharing this introduction with a friend of mine who has become very close to my heart within a short period, a friend who is always straightforward, but also very bold and true. He said which to me (in my paraphrasing) sounded a little like this:
“ Roshni it’s great you started your page which by the way looks good, however, and I sincerely apologize for saying this, but the answer to your question "Who Am I“ doesn’t tell me sh**t.
Well, you can guess that this startled me a little...
Ok, a lot.
So here I am as a service to him, probably amongst others to explain what I meant with my introduction. Here goes:
"I am is the essence of my personality without all identifications."
Which probably still says nothing...
Let me explain:
Usually, after we say I am, we say "What we are" or "What we have accomplished" or “What we experienced in the past.”
In my case I could say I AM a Certified Public Accountant, I AM someone coming from a well-established family, I AM a former Chess Champion (yes it’s true), I AM someone's ex-wife... guess I should stop now.
However when stating all the above, I am identifying with past experiences, with accomplishments, with education, with my car, my house, the watch I wear and how many Chanel bags I have in my closet.
Which made me think of a famous quote by Jim Carrey:
“I think everybody should get rich and famous and buy everything they ever dreamed of so they can see that it's not the answer.”
A statement very profound, yet merely meaning that all external details do not even come close to the person we are and the person who I truly am.
Knowing who you are means, knowing yourself at a level beyond a level of thoughts and perceptions about yourself.
Ultimately knowing yourself is being yourself entirely. Being in touch with the being that you are.
When we say I am and add nothing to it, this can get you in touch with the essence of your being.
Therefore I started this page with the question " who am I," not looking for an answer. But instead let the answer come to me.
And when I truly listen..., I feel a sense of Love, connectedness and a sense of peace.
I guess at this moment that is all I am and all you need to know about me.
I am nothing more and nothing less...
Author: Roshni Jagroep
References: "The power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle